Internship Opportunity

Good morning,
Exciting news: the National Weather Service at Binghamton, NY has posted a call for summer internship applicants!
NWS BGM covers an area extending from Syracuse to Wilkes Barre, including Ithaca. They forecast weather that has included billion-dollar river flooding, major tornado outbreaks, and 40-inch snowstorms, across varying topography that includes much of the Susquehanna, the Finger Lakes, and the northern Appalachian Plateau.
The internship is a great way to learn about the operations of the National Weather Service, conduct interesting and timely research, meet a wonderful, experienced staff, and even learn how to apply for an NWS job.
The office is close enough that it can be reached from an Ithaca apartment, and the internship is virtual for the time being anyway. It does not pay, but is aggressively part time- I was able to work two part-time jobs while I participated.
Not much experience? No problem. I applied as a freshman, when my weather resume really only included an unofficial forecast account on social media.
I really can’t recommend you apply for this internship highly enough. Have any questions about it? Email me:
Interested in learning about, and applying for, this really cool opportunity? Check out the office’s internship announcement flyer.

AMS Meeting Reminders!

Hi all!

Thanks so much for your interest in attending this year’s American Meteorological Society conference. The conference will be held Jan 22nd-Jan 27th. We have two hotel rooms: one booked from Jan 21-Jan 28, the other booked from Jan 22-Jan 28. Each can fit four people. We also have enough funding to send 13 people, so we can send 8 in person and 5 virtually to AMS. We also have funding for 2 people to attend just the student conference remotely.
We got this funding based on responses that were submitted on-time to the Google form. Based on this, we have the following distribution:
In-person, funded by outside orgs (so not counted towards the numbers above): Jack, Jacob, Julian, Julie, Josh, Aidan
In person, funded by CCAMS (max 8): Anthony, Gabe, Everest, Luke, Kinen, Henning, Harrison, Ethan
Remote (student and regular conference): Erik, Rohan, Rochelle, Ben, Nicole
Remote (student conference only): Linsai
We need you all to do a few things.
  2. Renew AMS Student Membership ($20)
    • This is NOT funded- you have to use your own money, but it comes with a lot of other benefits!
  3. Register for BOTH the Student and Main Conference ($60 + $165) BY DEC. 1ST
    • This will be reimbursed- KEEP YOUR RECEIPTS.
  4. Book Flights (if applicable) that work with above dates
    •  We CANNOT guarantee funding for travel, but we will likely be able to at least partially reimburse-  KEEP YOUR RECEIPTS.
We’re so excited to see y’all there!
Jacob, Cornell Weather

IMPORTANT: Forecast Night + First Meeting

Hope everyone enjoyed their last day of summer vacation, and is ready for school tomorrow. I know the e-board has mixed feelings about that.
A few things to announce- both are important.
First, our first forecast night is tomorrow, Thursday 8/26, from 5pm to 6pm in the Snee map room, 1134. (Location is tentative, so stay closely tuned in case we change rooms last minute (sorry y’all…)). We have one every Thursday going forward with limited exceptions for holidays and such, same place and time.
Forecast night, for those who haven’t gotten the chance to attend, is a really awesome opportunity for students to present to other students about weather-related things they feel excited about. Attendees are NOT expected to come with a presentation, though everyone who feels comfortable is encouraged to. We strongly, strongly encourage regular attendance from everyone, as it’s probably the best way to learn about weather, both through attending and presenting in a low-stakes environment. Seriously, come on down tomorrow and learn what it’s all about! We have some exciting presentations planned.
Second, our first club meeting is Tuesday 9/7 from 5-6pm, probably also in Snee 1134 (stay tuned, though). Attendance to this first meeting is required. Expect our meetings to be held approximately twice a month on Tuesdays from 5-6pm.
See you all soon! We’ll send out reminder emails, of course.
-CCAMS e-board

ACTION REQUIRED: Chair Positions

Hi Cornell Weather,

A big welcome to our first years, and welcome back everyone else! It’s time to talk about chair positions for the upcoming academic year.

After careful consideration with the rest of the executive board, we’ve decided to shake up our approach to chair positions a little, so be sure to read this email in its entirety. We’ve decided to open four chair positions: Forecast Chair, Outreach Chair, Professional Development Chair, and First-Year Chair. Each chair position will likely go to one person, who will collaborate closely with the e-board to spearhead projects important to the club. We’ll describe in detail what each chair will do below, and how serving can help both you and the club.

We’re also including a google form that we expect everyone to fill out, whether they apply to be a chair or not, regarding which chair they want to work on club projects with. This form will be attached below.

Without further hand waving, here’s a description of each chair position:

Forecast Chair: If you want to practice forecasting in a low-stakes, educational environment in ways that reach thousands of people, while also beefing up the experience section of your resume, this could be the chair position for you. Responsibilities will include helping to coordinate daily forecasts that will be shown on the electronic screens all over Snee hall (and potentially campus, if all goes well), posting to the Cornell Weather Twitter account during significant weather events, and organizing the weekly forecast night. If you don’t have any forecasting experience, this is a great way to get your foot in the door. If you do, it’s an exceptional way to demonstrate those skills to future employers while sharpening your abilities with structured practice.

Outreach Chair: If you want to work on your organizational and communication skills in a way that will demonstrate interpersonal abilities on a resume, this might be your chair position. Responsibilities will include posting club information to our Instagram and Facebook, partnering with other campus organizations, planning social events like happy hours and group outings, designing merch, and helping to oversee outreach events like Ithaca weather 101, a visit to the local science center, and a table at homecoming. Hiring officials across meteorological sectors cite interpersonal skills as the single most important thing they look for when deciding who to employ, and this is a great way to showcase those skills.

Professional Development Chair: If you want to network with dozens of established alumni while improving organizational and leadership skills, setting yourself up to connect with career professionals in durable, personally useful ways, this could be a chair position for you. Responsibilities will include helping with the alumni weekend and the alumni buddy system (more info on that coming soon!), inviting alumni speakers, organizing internship panels with upperclassmen in the department, and helping plan certain aspects of conferences and trips. Making positive impressions on career professionals is a great way to land a future job, and this position will help you do that while simultaneously increasing marketable skills.

First-Year Chair: If you want to get involved with the leadership of Cornell’s only meteorology club as a freshman, this is your chance. We’re seeking a first year to serve as the main connection between the e-board and the freshmen cohort, which will allow the class to effectively find a community with Cornell Weather, something we consider super important. This chair position will help you to stand out when applying for internships and is a great way to become part of our leadership team now and in the future.

If you decide you want to apply for a chair position, shoot an email to Jacob ( and Julie ( with a few sentences about why you think the chair position would be good for you, and why you think you’d be good for it. Apps are due by August 15th. First years are encouraged to apply to all positions- I applied (unsuccessfully) for a position when I was entering my freshman year (:

We ask that every member of CCAMS help the chair of their choice with club projects. Whether you applied for a chair position or not, please fill out this google sheet with your interest.

We look forward to a wonderful year, folks!
Jacob and Julie