Deadlines for Fall 2021

Good morning!
Thanks so much to everyone who showed up to yesterday’s meeting. You can read a summary of the minutes in the email entitled “Meeting Summary” sent out on September 8, 2021.
Some action items:
By September 20th, please venmo our treasurer, Anthony, with the 20$ membership dues. See the slide deck for his venmo information.
By September 20th, please fill out this form whether or not you want to attend conferences. Thanks!
By October 1st, please send Ithacation ideas to
Interested in forecasting? Remember to email Luke (ll876) if you want to help him and Kaiden put together daily forecasts. It’s a great way to get your foot in the door or hone your skills!
Remember, from now on, forecast night presentation topics/slides must be sent to or by 4pm on Thursdays if you plan to participate.
Thanks, all!
-CCAMS e-board